Bulk bags (FIBCs) manufactured with 30% recycled polymer

The UK Plastic Packaging Tax

Recently incorporated into the Finance Act 2021, the UK government has introduced a tax on plastic packaging which does not use at least 30% recycled polymer by weight in its composition. If a product does not comply, it is subject to a £275/tonne tax. With an average builder’s bag weighing 800g, this equates to an additional cost of £0.16 on the product (before VAT).

This tax comes into force on 1st April 2022, and it is applicable to any products that are manufactured or imported into the country on or after this date.


For more information on this tax, please watch the recording of our free webinar on YouTube.


Please note that this is now seven months out of date, and Part 2 of the Finance Act 2021 should be referred to for the most up-to-date information.

Why choose Cliffe Packaging for tax-compliant bulk bags

Tax-compliant Bulk Bags

At Cliffe Packaging, we have been working with our supply partners to develop tax-compliant products which utilise 30% recycled polypropylene in their composition. As bulk bags come in various grades and qualities, a one-size-fits-all approach is not possible. This means we have had to carry out extensive research and testing to maintain our high standards of product safety and appearance.

We are delighted to say, as of December 2021, we can offer tax-compliant alternatives for many of our bulk bag products. To discuss this further, please speak to one of our team.

Why choose Cliffe Packaging for tax-compliant bulk bags?

Our dedicated sustainability team has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to developing and launching greener products. We have worked hard to ensure that our full supply network can meet our demands by using reliable and high-quality recycled polymer sources.

Our rPP bulk bag range is:

  Extensively tested and meets the requirements of ISO 21898:2004

Available to order in white and coloured fabric

Available for most styles of existing virgin bags

Available with printing (minimum run applies)

Fully recyclable

Fully compliant with the UK’s new plastic packaging tax